WiseMe Training
Designing Training for secondary teachers in the management of disinformation (fake news) and the use of social media in the classroom
This Work Package will design the syllabus of a training manual for secondary school teachers in order to train them in the detection, verification and management of disinformation and fake news.
The design of the syllabus will take into account the results of the direct research previously carried out with the target groups, secondary school teachers and students from all the countries participating in the consortium.
The specific objectives of this work package are:
- To find out the perception of secondary school teachers on the level of competence of their students in the management of misinformation and fake news.
- To analyze the self-perception of secondary education students regarding the detection and management of disinformation and fake news.
- To disseminate the results of the analysis carried out with the target groups in all the participating countries through the preparation of a report to that effect.
- To design, based on the contents of the previous report, the agenda of a training manual for secondary school teachers to train them in the management of disinformation and fake news and thus enable them to train their students in this subject. To this end, the Manual will contain both theoretical content and practical activities, which will contribute to a better understanding of the concepts.
This work package contributes to the achievement of the following project objectives:
- Design educational resources for teachers to implement actions in the classroom: based on the conclusions drawn from the analysis report, the agenda of a training manual for secondary education teachers with theoretical-practical content will be designed.